视讯!Lunar Magic Tutorials [Episode 4: Sprites: Custom Sets, PIXI, He

2023-04-27 16:15:12 来源:哔哩哔哩 分享到:

Jun 10, 2020

This tutorial covers SPRITES in Lunar Magic. Learn how to customize sprite sets, import sprites, modify sprite attributes, and more. It's time to get advanced! Click SHOW MORE for timestamps and details.

00:00 Introduction


--Customizing Sprite Sets--

1:11 Introduction - Understanding Graphic Sets

2:49 Visualizing Graphic Sets with YY-CHR

Sprite Set Reference: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=viewthread&t=14668

YY-CHR Download: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=4642

5:25 Project 1: Creating a Custom Sprite Set (SP4)

11:55 Project 1: Testing (SP4)

13:17 Project 1: Custom Sprite Set (SP3)

16:24 Project 1: Testing (SP3)

17:02 Quick YY-CHR Basics

17:25 Project 2: Only-Boulder Sprite Set

19:15 Project 2: Visualizing Our Monstrosity

--Hex Editing--HxD-- 

21:51 Introduction to Hex Editing

22:24 Understanding the ROM Map

ROM Map: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=memorymap&game=smw&region=rom

23:09 Project 3: Getting started with SNEStuff and HxD

SNEStuff: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=4613

HxD: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=4625

26:53 Testing out random values

28:40 Project 4: Bullet Bill Speed

32:24 Bullet Bill Spawn Rate

--Hex Editing--ASM--

34:28 Introduction to ASM Hex Editing

I use NotePad++ as my text editor, but regular NotePad works too.

34:52 Project 5: Building our first ASM

37:01 Project 6: Quickly swapping between two patches

38:19 Project 7: Modifying Winged Koopa Spawn

39:47 Project 7: Example

41:20 Project 8: Chain Of Winged Koopa Spawns


43:21 Project 9: Introduction to Pixi, Inserting Custom Sprites

PIXI: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=22303

48:50 Seeing Bit 2 (Clear) and Bit 3 (Set)

49:04 Project 10: Modifying Custom Sprite ASM

49:50 Project 10: Example


50:32 Introduction to Modifying Graphic Index

51:08 Project 11: Giant Swooper, Bats, Pokeys

53:39 Project 11: Setting up Graphics

56:37 Project 11: Modifying Graphic Index

59:05 Project 11: Example

1:00:10 Project 12: Dan Figuring Out Extended Sprites

1:02:29 Project 12: Extended Sprites Recap

--Thank you for watching!--

1:04:37 Conclusion

Feel free to reach out for answers to your questions!


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